General Information

JSIC OZK-Insurance AD (previously known as Municipal Insurance Company AD) was established in 1996 with a majority shareholder Sofia Municipality. In 2008, the municipality share was subject to privatization.

The activity of OZK-Insurance is subject to the control of the Financial Supervision Commission. The Company deals in insurance in the sphere of general insurance and has obtained license for 12 types of insurance policies.

The Company is a member of the two professional organizations in Bulgaria: The Association of the Bulgarian Insurers (ABI) and the National Bureau of Bulgarian Motor Insurers (NBBMI)

Based on the obtained license, OZK-Insurance develops various insurance products, doing its best to respond adequately and in due time to the needs and specific requirements of its customers. This includes not only signing insurance policies, but also advising about the most suitable package for each customer,combined with a guarantee for competent, quick and correct damage removal in case of inflicted damages and providing the contracted compensations.

OZK-Insurance has a network of 72 branches all over the country. Over 1500 brokers and agents also belong to our distribution network.OZK-Insurance has a significant market penetration in all segments.

Our customers include central and local authorities, higher educational institutions, large corporate clients, including financial institutions, representatives of the small and middle-sized business, as well as natural persons. In the past years, the market share and the premium income of the Company grew sustainably and at present, the Company has established itself as a leader in the insurance of public state and municipal property.

The Company reviews its insurance program based on analyses of the insurance portfolio and the development of the contracts in previous years annually. We place our contracts through brokers and at reinsurers with whom OZK-Insurance has been cooperating for many years and has well-established relations, based on mutual trust. The reinsurance contracts abroad are placed through the mediation of leading English reinsurance brokers,with leading reinsurers.

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